Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu (लोकः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु) is a beautiful and powerful mantra.
This practice uses that mantra and offers a glimpse into Nāda yoga (नादयोग) The yoga of sound & vibration.
By performing Mudras, alongside the Mantra, we enhance our sensitivity and develop our noticing.
Our Asana practice is usually where this deep and sensitive awareness / noticing begins and this practice can add depth to that noticing, perhaps opening us to more subtle aspects of our experience?
This mixing of Mudra & Mantra holds aspects of a Vinyasa Flow so perhaps is a bridge with our existing Asana insights.
This is a practice that we were introduced to at a recent Satsang at Silver Birches
The Satsang was led by Stuart Prince. He is a Yoga teacher who has developed a beautiful sound practice.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu was one of the mantras that Stuart had arranged based on Joseph and Lilian Le Page's book, "Mudras, for Healing and Transformation".
In this rendition Stuart had linked a mudra to each part of the mantra:
So for Lokah (All -“universe,” “realm” or “location.”) we performed Hakini Mudra
Hakini Mudra is associated with the 3rd eye and the idea of inner wisdom, so the mudra is intended to support the unfolding of widom at all layers in our being
For Samastah (to all living beings) Dharma Pravartana Mudra is performed. This Mudra is associated with balancing the 5 elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Space) This is intended to help us to find a sense of harmony
For Sukhino (Ease, happiness. Root: sukha Connotation: freedom from suffering) Hansi Mudra is performed with both hands. This is the gesture of the inner smile and is intended to help unfold our own positive qualities
For Bhavantu (Bhav:the state of union with the Energy of the Universe/Divine & Antu: may it be so, vow/pledge) we use Hridaya Mudra and with this gesture we are seeking divine refuge , support in challenging times.
I run through how to form the Mudras here :
Then offer the chant here
https://youtu.be/eRpiocToWlY?feature=shared which you can also find under our Resources.
The intention of the Mantra and the Mudras is to embody the hope / idea that all beings everywhere should be happy and that we can do what we will do, what we are able to do in order to allow that to happen.
I think in the darker part of the year, where we are currently sitting, this lights a candle for ourselves and for everyone , it’s a helpful reminder of how we would like things to be and that we do hold some agency in achieving this , though we may need reminding
If you are interested in Mantras and Chanting, I would really recommend having a look at Gaiea Sanskrit on You Tube
Here is her performance of all of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras…. its great on so many levels