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May's new beginnings


Maybe it was the experience of church chairs beating, rising to a crescendo as olive leaves danced their way to the ground on a Saturday morning, in a church in Cyprus, or the beating of the drums of the Green Man's procession in the streets of Hastings, announcing the arrival of Summer, or finding myself paying enough attention to notice that nature around me is blooming; or, most probably, it has been all (and much more) perfectly orchestrated together, to give rise to a strong feeling of newness within me.

It feels like a "take 2" of starting again, of finding my way once again, re-establishing the path, another opportunity to begin again. It's easy to forget that in fact every moment is an opportunity, an invitation to begin again, and so perhaps we do need reminding every now and then through the change of seasons and through our own rituals.

A time to acknowledge and honour our intentions and the ground we have covered so far. It also feels like a time to acknowledge our efforts and perhaps relax these a little so that we can find a balance between them and being able to enjoy their fruits. To allow ourselves the enjoyment of what life and nature offer abundantly whilst still practising asteya (non-stealing, not taking what is not ours) and satya (thruthfullness) with integrity and reciprocity. By recognising that perhaps nothing is really ours but seeing everything as a gift, ourselves as a guest in this moment, on this Earth. I do find this easier said than done. Especially in the parts where I have invested my efforts, where inevitably I have created expectations, even a sense of entitlement and of ownership. I have to remind myself to become fully present, to stay with the in and out of the breath, the physical sensations, to let go of the expectations, of the narratives I have carefully constructed and try and begin again.

May we all find in this new beginning the balance of acknowledging and appreciating that we have everything and we possess nothing.

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